College and Life
Seattle Academy prepares students for College and Life; we value curiosity and innovation, participation and excellence, and exploration and resolve.
SAAS has a robust College Advising program, as a result, typically one hundred percent of Seattle Academy’s applicants gain admission to college. Not only do these colleges include the nation and the world’s most selective, these varied, “best match” colleges reflect the talented, eclectic, and diverse composition of our student body.
To help prepare our students to become productive contributors in a changing world, we conduct our learning in a Culture of Performance where students demonstrate they can do what they have learned. This includes hands-on Service Learning with personal reflection.
We strive to instill three key principles to encourage our students to become life-long contributors:
- The service of one individual CAN and DOES impact others.
- As a team, together we can make a significant impact.
- Our approach to serving starts with seeking the community perspective regarding the need. We believe we can best serve by beginning with this show of honor and respect. We understand we cannot enter into a community believing we have all of the answers and know what that community needs. We believe we must listen and engage in a dialogue with community members about their needs to serve effectively.