Curriculum is based in the design-thinking mindset.
Courses in Entrepreneurship and Design prepare students for college and life by giving them opportunities to use creativity and practical intelligence to solve emerging real-world problems. We aim to equip students with a design-thinking mindset that emphasizes the skills needed to thrive in an ever-changing professional landscape. As educators, we assert that young people are inherently curious individuals with an endless capacity to learn and grow. With industry input, we implement an evolving curriculum which provides students the most up-to-date skills necessary to succeed in the world beyond the classroom. In the Middle School, Seattle Academy students take one trimester of Design Thinking in 6th and 7th grades. All Upper School students take a course titled Foundations in Design Thinking and can choose from a broad range of related electives that expose them to more advanced topics in both entrepreneurship and design.
Curriculum is based in the design-thinking mindset.
Classroom culture is collaborative, experimental, iterative, and fundamentally human-centered.
The goal is to provide a space for students to develop the intellectual and behavioral tools to navigate adversity and failure successfully.
Interactions with industry experts and real businesses and organizations are an important component of this program.