Combat Robotics
Seattle Academy's Middle School robotics club participates in the local combat robotics league Western Allied Robotics (W.A.R.). This is similar to the professional robots seen in the show “Battle Bots.” Students compete in the “Ant Weight Division” where robots have to weigh under 1 pound, the “Plastic Ant” League which has the same weight requirement but all parts must be plastic, and the “Beetle Weight Division” where the robot has to weigh under 3 pounds.
Skills learned through participation in combat robotics include:
The combat robotics teams are led by Mark Zavala alongside several other adult mentors and volunteers. There are usually around four different combat robotics teams in the Middle School in Fall and they practice twice a week for two hours with a competition at the end of the season.
Recent Awards and Accomplishments
A group of Seattle Academy middle school students were selected to drive a 30 pound “Sportsman Weight Division” robot in the Combat Robotics National Championship at Seattle Center
Seattle Academy hosted a combat robotics tournament in November that brought in both hobbyists and professional “Battle Bot” competitors. Four teams from SAAS competed and the “Northwest Nobodies” took home third place.