Detailed Instructions on how to subscribe to the Calendars:
*this will specifically show adding this to your Google Calendar. Details for other calendars might be different. Reach out to Andrew Spitzer if you need help!
For iPhone users: Sync All Google Calendars with iPhone (Article via Online Tech Tips)
Supporting resource: Google Calendar Sync Select -sign into Google Calendar to access
Group Calendar Subscription Steps:
1) Go to:
2) Visit the Calendar page (Public Calendars) or Sign in to the FaMILIES Portal (top left) and scroll to Calendar.
***As of the 2021-2022 school year your login username and password is the same as your Veracross login.
3) Click on the blue funnel icon in the top right corner of the calendar to filter by your preferred calendar(s).
4) Click Apply- Your Calendar view is now filtered by Your Selected calendars.
5) To subscribe to "your selected Group" iCal feed on your personal web-based calendar click on the grey RSS icon.
6) On the Calendar Feeds pop up window select All selected Public Calendars by clicking the Green ICAL Button
7) Select get Google Calendar (HiGhlighted Above)
8)Copy the URL at the top of the page
9) Go-to your Calendar (in this case, Google Calendar). And click the “+” sign to add new Calendar. On the drop-down, select “From URL.”
10) Paste in the copied URL from the “iCAL” link on the webpage
11) Click Add Calendar (bottom right). You’re done!
Single Calendar Subscription Steps:
1) Go to:
2) Sign in to the FaMILIES Portal (top left)
3) Scroll down on the FAMILIES Portal home page until you see the calendar
4) Click the grey icon on the top left of the calendar (circled in Red above).
The following image will appear. Go to the calendar you want and hover over the “iCAL” link next to it. Select your Calendar type you would like to add it to.
5) Copy the URL.
6) Go-to your Calendar (in this case, Google Calendar). And click the “+” sign to add new Calendar. On the drop-down, select “From URL.”
7) Paste in the copied URL from the “iCAL” link on the webpage
8) Click Add Calendar (bottom right). You’re done!