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Seattle Academy values economic diversity in our community, and we want to be sure that students are not excluded from full participation in the life of the school for financial reasons. Community Chest provides financial aid to students who need support to participate in school activities that are not covered by tuition and fees or existing financial aid awards.

The types of activities/expenses that will be considered for Community Chest aid include, but are not limited to, those involved in: sports activities, arts activities, bus passes, morning/afternoon bus service, lunch program expense, dances and other social activities, calculators and other school supplies, post-graduation/moving up parties, and spring days activities. It will not, for the time being, include financial aid for laptop computers or outdoor and foreign trips (and trip gear) which have their own financial aid components.

Anyone in our community may request financial support for any SAAS student from the Community Chest. The school will assure that all requests are handled confidentially and with sensitivity. The attached form can be used to request assistance for any student by a student, a teacher, a parent, or other member
of the SAAS community. 

The Financial Aid Committee will make aid determinations. Please contact




The Community Chest fund exists to provide financial aid to students who need support to fully participate in Seattle Academy activities that are not covered by tuition and fees or existing financial aid awards. Any SAAS parent, student, or teacher can request funds for any SAAS student in need of help. Please submit requests and direct questions to the Financial Aid Committee at All requests are confidential and must be submitted using this form.


Relationship with SAASrequired
Student's Grade:
(enter as a whole number)​
(enter as a whole number).
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format