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Middle School Electronics Policy 2023-24

In our effort to simplify our days and maximize instruction, discussion, and interaction time, we do not allow the use of personal communication devices (cell phones, wearable technology, iPads, etc.) during the school day.  If at school, these devices will need to be kept turned off and locked in a locker from  the moment students enter the building in the morning until 3:01 PM. Students may use their cell phones after school to contact parents, carpool drivers, etc.

Personal electronics that are used during the school day will be taken and held in the front office until dismissal time. If this temporary loss of electronics does not remedy the behavior, other consequences will follow.

Communication Between Students and Parents During the School Day: If students need to get in touch with their parents during the school day, they can use the phone in the front office. If parents need to get in touch with a student, they can call the front office, and we will make sure the student gets the message as soon as possible.

We ask that parents do not call or text their children on their cell phones during the school day in support of this policy.